Marian Decker

Oil and Acrylic

Marian Decker: Oil and Acrylic

About the Artist:

From the beginning of humankind, the image has been used in the service of communication.

It has served magic, religion, and politics — the purposes of love and of war. But in any era, whether the artist intends it or not, he or she is a prism through which experiences and observations pass. The work of art becomes a reflection.

My personal prism was formed from a study of music and dance as well as visual art. It includes a lifetime of hiking through the mountains and walking the beaches with painting kit, sketchbook and camera as my steady companions. Often, a small plein air painting will come home with me. When I began my painting career, my work was primarily non-objective. As time went by, my appreciation of nature's beauty led me to a more representational style. Now I find myself going back to my beginnings. In observing the landscape, I analyze and abstract. In the act of painting, I allow my spirit to go where neither the intellect nor the camera can follow. I feel the unity of all arts; the dance in nature's motion; the music of color and line.

Art Experience & Education

Born interested in Art

BA Art

Masters 1 year Art

US Home Studio

Samples of the Artist's Work

You can see more of this artist's work in our Members Gallery

Early Snowfall


External Links for This Artist

Marian's website: Marian Decker Paintings

To contact Marian: Contact Me


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