Gwynne Lott

Acrylic and Mixed-Media

Gwynne Lott: Acrylic & Mixed-Media

About the Artist:

My goal for this period of my artistic life, “The Land of Arakkenia”, is to create a world that will make the viewer smile... or maybe even laugh. The inhabitants of my fantasy world are beautiful and colorful but most importantly, they awaken the child in all of us.

I was born in southeastern New Mexico, not far from where Georgia O’Keefe lived and painted. I married young, and when I was 21, my husband and I moved to Chicago so that I could attend the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. When I finished the program there, we moved to Cleveland and I was able to win a series of scholarships to the Cleveland Institute of Art. There I studied fiber arts, photography, and ceramics.

I didn’t paint until 40 years later, when I retired from the workforce and moved to Mexico. For the last 18 years I have devoted my time to painting the colorful world around me.

My paintings hang in homes in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.


Samples of the Artist's Work

You can see more of this artist's work in our Members Gallery

Party Girl
El Paquero Descanso


External Links for This Artist

Gwynne's website: Gwynne Lott — Flowerscapes & More

Gwynne's FaceBook page: Gwynne on FB

Gwynne's Pinterest page: Gwynne on Pinterest

To contact Gwynne: Contact Me


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